My book reading list.
# Anthropology
- Living Color: The Biological and Social Meaning of Skin Color
- The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World #must #history
- A Short History of Humanity: A New History of Old Europe
- Captives: How Stolen People Changed the World
- Gods of the Upper Air: How a Circle of Renegade Anthropologists Reinvented Race, Sex, and Gender in the Twentieth Century
- Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century
- In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio
- The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art
- People of the Sea: Identity and Descent among the Vezo of Madagascar
- 辶反田野:人類學異托邦故事集 #fiction #stories
- 異溫層迷航記【芭樂人類學2】 #field
- Claude Levi-Strauss: The Father of Modern Anthropology #people
- My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File #memoir
- Ultrasociety: How 10,000 Years of War Made Humans the Greatest Cooperators on Earth
- Men: Evolutionary and Life History (Richard G. Bribiescas)
# Areas
# Afghanistan
- Kabul: Final Call: The inside story of the withdrawal from Afghanistan August 2021
- Åsne Seierstad
- The Afghans: Three lives through war, love and revolt
- The Bookseller Of Kabul #biography
# Australia
- Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction #nature #indigenous
# Belarus
- Ribwort (Hanna Komar) #poetry #politics
# Canada
- Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care for All Canadians (Dr. Martin, Danielle) #medicare
# China
- Red Roulette: An Insider’s Story of Wealth, Power, Corruption, and Vengeance in Today’s China #must
- Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment during the Reform Era (Cambridge Modern China Series)
- 中國:潰而不崩
- Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and China’s Superpower Future
- 盐镇 (易小荷)
- Spies and Lies: How China’s Greatest Covert Operations Fooled the World
- June Fourth: The Tiananmen Protests and Beijing Massacre of 1989 (Jeremy Brown)
- Coalitions of the Weak (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
- Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise
- 吳仁華
- 六四事件全程實錄 #must
- 六四屠殺內幕解密:六四事件中的戒嚴部隊 #must
- 六四天安門血腥清場內幕
- 改革历程 / 国家的囚徒:赵紫阳的秘密录音 #memoir
- Fei-Ling Wang
- The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power #dasheng
- The China Record: An Assessment of the People’s Republic #dasheng
- The Hong Kong Diaries (Chris Patten) #dasheng #must
- 中國農民反行為研究(1950-1980)
- 徐賁
- 暴政史:20 世紀的權力與民眾 #dasheng
- 犬儒與玩笑:假面社會的政治幽默 #dasheng
- 毛泽东私人医生回忆录 #must
- China at War: Triumph and Tragedy in the Emergence of the New China
- 出賣中國:權貴資本主義的起源與共產黨政權的潰敗
- 何為中國
- 探索的历程 (许成钢)
- 张戎 #must
- 慈禧:开启现代中国的皇太后
- 鸿:三代中国女人的故事
- 毛泽东:鲜为人知的故事
- 西太后:大清帝国最后的光芒 (加藤徹)
- 茅海建
- 天朝的崩溃: 鸦片战争再研究
- 苦命天子:咸丰皇帝奕詝
- 戊戌时期康有为、梁启超的思想
- 戊戌变法史事考 #bumingbai #must
- Prestige, Manipulation, and Coercion: Elite Power Struggles in the Soviet Union and China after Stalin and Mao
- 文革前的鄧小平 (鍾延麟)
- Seeking Truth and Hiding Facts: Information, Ideology, and Authoritarianism in China
- Our Towns: A 100,000-Mile Journey into the Heart of America
- Red Star over the Pacific: China’s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy
- China Pop (查建英)
- The Socialist System: The Political Economy of Communism
- Deadly Quiet City: Stories From Wuhan, COVID Ground Zero
- Indelible City: Dispossession and Defiance in Hong Kong (Louisa Lim)
- Cadre Country: How China became the Chinese Communist Party
- Surveillance State: Inside China’s Quest to Launch a New Era of Social Control (監控國家:中國全力打造的數位烏托邦,一座不斷進化、從上到下集體共構的全景監獄)
- 张医生与王医生
- Out of Mao’s shadow
- Red Memory: Living, Remembering and Forgetting China’s Cultural Revolution
- 中国狱中作家文选
- Waiting to Be Arrested at Night: A Uyghur Poet’s Memoir of China’s Genocide #must
- 羌在漢藏之間 #bumingbai
- Politics of Control: Creating Red Culture in the Early People’s Republic of China
- 毛澤東、斯大林與韓戰
- 艾未未:千年悲歡 (1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows) #must
- With the Empress Dowager of China
- Coalitions of the Weak (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) #bumingbai
- 張春橋: 1949及其後 #bumingbai
- 我的回忆 (张国焘) #bumingbai
- 软埋 (方方) #bumingbai
- 晚年周恩来 (高文谦)
- 行者思之: 張思之回憶錄 #must
- 汪政權的開場與收場
- 沪上法治梦
- 牛鬼蛇神錄——文革囚禁中的精靈 #must
- 中国国家治理的制度逻辑:一个组织学研究 #bumingbai
- 杨显惠
- 夹边沟记事 #must
- 定西孤儿院 #bumingbai #must
- 甘南纪事
- 胡平文集 (博大出版社, 2005年4月)
- 游民文化与中国社会
- 重探抗戰史
- 林昭
- 《星火》: 兰州大学“右派反革命集团案”纪实 #bumingbai #must
- 走近林昭
- 追寻林昭
- 林昭,不再被遗忘
- 北大魂——从林昭到八九民运
- 十四万言书——致人民日报编辑部信
- 中华民族的自由女神——林昭罹难40年纪念文集
- Ian Johnson
- Sparks: China’s Underground Historians and Their Battle for the Future #bumingbai #must
- The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao
- 楊繼繩
- 墓碑 #bumingbai #must
- 天地翻覆: 中国文化大革命历史
- 中國改革年代的政治鬥爭
- 尋找家園 (高爾泰) #bumingbai #must
- 毛澤東的大饑荒:中國浩劫史1958-1962
- Life and Death in Shanghai (Nien Cheng) #dasheng
- I Have No Enemies: The Life and Legacy of Liu Xiaobo #must
- 高耀洁
- 血殇 #must
- 高潔的靈魂 #bumingbai #must
- 疫症病案一百例 (高耀潔)
- 鏡頭下的真相—記中國愛滋病實況 #bumingbai #must
- 悲惨时代 #dasheng
- 高耀洁回忆与随想 #dasheng
- 高耀洁行医往事 #dasheng #must
- 一萬封信︰我所見聞的艾滋病、性病患者生存現狀 #dasheng
- The Great Exodus from China: Trauma, Memory, and Identity in Modern Taiwan
- The Woman Back from Moscow: In Pursuit of Beauty: A Novel #bumingbai
- Forty-Five Years in China, Reminiscences
- Revolution of the Heart: A Genealogy of Love in China, 1900-1950
- My Life in China and America #must
- 廬山會議實錄 #must
- 方勵之自傳 #must
- My Country and My People
- 熱昏的年代:1949-1965年紅色的大陸 (張萬舒)
- 我的辯詞與夢想
- 李作鵬回憶錄
- 李锐口述往事 #must
- Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China
- The Sentinel State: Surveillance and the Survival of Dictatorship in China (Minxin Pei) #bumingbai
- The Rise and Fall of the EAST: How Exams, Autocracy, Stability, and Technology Brought China Success, and Why They Might Lead to Its Decline #must #bumingbai
- 兄弟 (余华) #bumingbai #censor
- 庐山会议实录
- 毛泽东私人医生回忆录
- 踏跡尋中: 四十年華南田野之旅 #bumingbai #must
- Terror Capitalism: Uyghur Dispossession and Masculinity in a Chinese City
- In the Camps: China’s High-Tech Penal Colony (Darren Byler) #dasheng
- 高耀潔憶往昔 #must
- 重返天安門:在失憶的人民共和國,追尋六四的歷史真相 (林慕蓮) #bumingbai #must
- 人民解放軍的真相:中共200萬私軍的威脅、腐敗與野心
- 敲鐘者言: 朱耀明牧師回憶錄 #must
- 被中國拘禁的2279日
- China’s Party Congress: Power, Legitimacy, and Institutional Manipulation (Guoguang Wu)
- 中國民運反思 (胡平)
- The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China
- 滿洲國的實相與幻象 #Manchukuo
- Jonathan D. Spence
- The Gate of Heavenly Peace #must #history
- The Search for Modern China
- Chinese Roundabout: Essays in History and Culture
- The Chinese Century: A Photographic History of the Last Hundred Years
- The Kingdom of Women: Life, Love and Death in China’s Hidden Mountains
- 一百個人的十年 #Cultural-Revolution
- 草根蝉鸣 (刘国凯) #Cultural-Revolution #must
- 喻智官
- 福民公寓 #must #Cultural-Revolution #fiction
- 獨一無二的反叛者:王若望
- 革後餘生:從牛津大學到北京市第一看守所
- 認同而不出櫃:中國同性戀者的生存困境
- Remembering Shanghai: A Memoir of Socialites, Scholars and Scoundrels #must #history
- Private Revolutions: Coming of Age in a New China #female #people
- 譚松
- 血紅的土地:中共土改採訪錄 #oral-history #must
- 长寿湖:一九五七年重慶長壽湖右派采訪錄
- 宋永毅
- 毛澤東和文化大革命:政治心理與文化基因的新闡釋 #must
- 中外學者談文革
- 洗腦:毛澤東和後毛時代的中國與世界
- 文革大屠杀 (宋永毅) #Cultural-Revolution
- 丁学良
- 革命與反革命追憶
- 我读天下无字书
- 液體的回憶
- The United States and China (John King Fairbank) #must #bumingbai
- 尋找塵封的記憶: 抗戰時期民國空軍赴美受訓歷史及空難探秘 #people #history
- 李慎之与美国所 #history #people #must #bumingbai
- Roderick MacFarquhar (马若德)
- Mao’s Last Revolution #Cultural-Revolution #history #bumingbai #must
- 堂堂正正做公民:我的自由中國 (許志永) #dasheng
- 江平 #law
- 沉浮与枯荣:八十自述 #dasheng
- 法治天下:江平访谈录 #dasheng
- 江平先生法學思想述論:九十華誕祝賀文集 #dasheng
- 汪精衛
- 此生何所為:汪精衛亂世抉擇
- 雲煙散憶:汪精衛女婿回顧動盪時代 (何孟恆)
- 汪精衛與現代中國 #dasheng
- 方勵之自傳:天體物理的開拓者,民主的啟蒙者 #dasheng #autobiography #must
- 國家VS農民:廣西大饑荒 #history #dasheng
- 閒話中國人 (易中天)
- 黎安友论中国 #dasheng
- The Rise of Modern China (Immanuel C. Y. Hsu) #dasheng
- 弄潮兒:中國崛起中的行動者和推動者 (查建英) #dasheng
- A Force So Swift: Mao, Truman, and the Birth of Modern China, 1949 (Kevin Peraino) #history #dasheng
- 趙紫陽還說過什麼?:杜導正日記 #dasheng #must
- The People’s Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited (Louisa Lim) #dasheng #must #89-64
- 人民不會忘記——八九民運實錄 #dasheng
- 一滴淚:從肅反到文革的回憶 (巫寧坤) #dasheng #must
- 毛澤東私人醫生回憶錄 #dasheng #must
- 高華
- 紅太陽是怎樣升起的 #dasheng #must
- 歷史筆記 (I & II)
- Most Wanted Man in China: My Journey from Scientist to Enemy of the State (方励之) #people
- An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics (Perry Link) #language #culture #must
- 晚清史事 (杨天石) #bumingbai
- Other Rivers: A Chinese Education #education #memoir #bumingbai #must
- 申泮文的西南联大 (申泮文) #history #must
- 江南困局 (唐元鹏) #must
- 尋租中國:台商、廣東模式與全球資本主義 (吳介民)
- Art, Myth, and Ritual: The Path to Political Authority in Ancient China (K. C. Chang) #history
- 近代中國史綱 (郭廷以) #history
- China and Charles Darwin (James Reeve Pusey) #politics
- 苦笑錄 (陳公博) #memoir #history #must #perspective
- 鄉村社會的毀滅 (謝幼田) #history #poetry
- 半截墓碑下的往事─高崗在北京 (趙家梁, 張曉霽) #history
- The Impact of China’s 1989 Tiananmen Massacre (Jean-Philippe Beja) #history #politics
- Mao’s Last Revolution (Roderick MacFarquhar, Michael Schoenhals) #history
- China Under Mao: A Revolution Derailed (Andrew G. Walder) #history
- The Chinese Economy: Adaptation and Growth (Barry J. Naughton) #economy
- The Confucian-Legalist State: A New Theory of Chinese History (Dingxin Zhao) #history
# Contemporary
- Getting China Wrong (Aaron L. Friedberg) #politics #must
- 茉莉花在中國:鎮壓與迫害實錄 #must #dasheng
- 2017年,起來中國 (高智晟) #dasheng
- 習近平是如何成為一位超級政治強人的?──對一場柔性政變的持續觀察 #dasheng
- 動態清零之真相:「文革」不死 禍亂不止 #must
- 死磕正義:709案和中國的人權政治 #dasheng
- 她們的征途:直擊、迂迴與衝撞,中國女性的公民覺醒之路 #reporting #dasheng #must
- 武漢封城日記 (郭晶)
- 武漢 (廖亦武) #novel
- Invisible China: How the Urban-Rural Divide Threatens China’s Rise (Scott Rozelle, Natalie Hell) #economy #sociology
- Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise (Susan L. Shirk) #politics #must
# Fiction
- 米拉蒂 (严歌苓) #novel #must
- 官場現形記 #fiction
- 老殘游記 #fiction
# Cyprus
- Cypria: A Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean (Alex Christofi) #travel #history
# Europe
- This is Europe: The Way We Live Now
- The Taste of Ashes: The Afterlife of Totalitarianism in Eastern Europe
- The Greengrocer and His TV: The Culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring
- Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity #history #must
- From Peoples into Nations: A History of Eastern Europe #history
- The Hidden Europe: What Eastern Europeans Can Teach Us #travel #must
- Ian Kershaw
- To Hell and Back: Europe 1914-1949
- Roller-Coaster: Europe, 1950-2017
- Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956 #history #must
- Blood of Others: Stalin’s Crimean Atrocity and the Poetics of Solidarity #literary-criticism #history #must
# France
# The French Revolution
- The Ancien Régime and the Revolution (Alexis de Tocqueville, Gerald Bevan: translator) #history
- The Oxford History of the French Revolution (William Doyle)
- The French Revolution: Faith, Desire and Politics (Noah Shusterman) #history
- Terror: The French Revolution and Its Demons (Michel Biard, Marisa Linton) #history
- The Sans-Culottes (Albert Soboul) #history
# Germany
- 歐洲的心臟:德國如何改變自己
- The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel #people #must
- A Demon-Haunted Land: Witches, Wonder Doctors, and the Ghosts of the Past in Post-WWII Germany
# Greece
- Women in Ancient Greece: A Sourcebook
# Hong Kong
- 在夾縫中抵抗:從依法治國與司法抗爭的比較經驗看香港 #law
- 同聲同氣:香港年長女同志口述歷史
- 梁啟智
- 香港公屋:方格子的吶喊 #must #dasheng
- 獨立路上:從前蘇聯省思香港未來 #dasheng
- 香港第一課 #dasheng
- 反抗的共同體:二〇一九香港反送中運動 #dasheng
# India
- Ants Among Elephants: An Untouchable Family and the Making of Modern India
- The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire #history
- Geek Nation: How Indian Science is Taking Over the World
- The Ivory Throne: Chronicles of the House of Travancore
- The White Tiger: A Novel #fiction
- Lab Hopping: Women Scientists in India #must
- The Good Girls: An Ordinary Killing #history
- The Incarcerations: BK-16 and the Search for Democracy in India
- The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World (William Dalrymple) #history #math #must
- The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity (Amartya Sen) #history
# Iran
- Prison in Iran: A Known Unknown
- Prisoner of Tehran: A Memoir #must
- My Life as a Traitor: An Iranian Memoir
- Ghosts of Revolution: Rekindled Memories of Imprisonment in Iran
- The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree #fiction
- What Iranians Want: Women, Life, Freedom #must
- The Shadow Commander: Soleimani, the US, and Iran’s Global Ambitions
- Whisper Tapes: Kate Millett in Iran
- Days of God: The Revolution in Iran and Its Consequences (James Buchan)
- Women in Mongol Iran: The Khatuns, 1206-1335
- The Wind in My Hair: My Fight for Freedom in Modern Iran #must #memoir
- Until We Are Free: My Fight for Human Rights in Iran #must #memoir
- Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books #memoir #must
- Target Tehran: How Mossad Is Using Sabotage, Cyberwarfare, Assassination – and Secret Diplomacy – to Realign the Middle East (Yonah Jeremy Bob, Ilan Evyatar) #history
# Japan
- The Book of Japanese Folklore: An Encyclopedia of the Spirits, Monsters, and Yokai of Japanese Myth
- Nationalism and Gender (Chizuko Ueno)
# Malaysia
- 故鄉無用 (馬尼尼為) #fiction #novel
# Middle East
- Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East
- The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East #history #Turkey
- The Damascus Events: The 1860 Massacre and the Making of the Modern Middle East #history #must #Turkey
- The Siege of Mecca: The 1979 Uprising at Islam’s Holiest Shrine #history #terrorism
- Lebanon Is Burning and Other Dispatches (Yazan Al-Saadi) #comics #journalism
# Mongolia
- 楊海英
- 沒有墓碑的草原:內蒙古的文革大屠殺實錄
- 蒙古與伊斯蘭中國:一段貼近民族心靈的旅程
- 在中國與蒙古的夾縫之間:一個蒙古人未竟的民族自決之夢
- 內蒙文革實錄:「民族分裂」與「挖肅」運動
- The Secret History of the Mongols (Urgunge Onon)
- Genghis Khan: His Conquests, His Empire, His Legacy #must
- 內蒙文革風雷 ── 一位造反派領袖的口述史 #Cultural-Revolution
- 顛覆世界史的蒙古 (杉山正明) #history
- The Horde: How the Mongols Changed the World (Marie Favereau) #history
# Nepal
- Nepal: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present
# North Korea
- The Sister: The extraordinary story of Kim Yo Jong, the most powerful woman in North Korea
- Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea (Barbara Demick) #must
# Pakistan
- Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace - One School at a Time #memoir #education #Islamic #must
# Palestine
- Minor Detail (Adania Shibli) #fiction
- Raja Shehadeh
- Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape #history #must
- What Does Israel Fear from Palestine? #must
- We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I: A Palestinian Memoir
- A Rift in Time: Travels with My Ottoman Uncle
- The Tale of a Wall: Reflections on the Meaning of Hope and Freedom #autobiography #history
- HAMAS: The Quest for Power (Beverley Milton-Edwards, Stephen Farrell)
- I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity (Izzeldin Abuelaish) #history
# Poland
- God’s Playground: A History of Poland: The Origins to 1795 (Norman Davies)
# Russia
- All the Kremlin’s Men: Inside the Court of Vladimir Putin
- Illness and Inhumanity in Stalin’s Gulag
- Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia #must
- Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism #must
- Making Sense of War: The Second World War and the Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution
- The Struggle to Save the Soviet Economy: Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of the USSR
- Yeltsin: A Life (Timothy J Colton)
- The Rise and Fall of Communism (Archie Brown) #must
- The Invention of Russia: The Rise of Putin and the Age of Fake News
- The Less You Know, The Better You Sleep: Russia’s Road to Terror and Dictatorship under Yeltsin and Putin
- A Long Goodbye: The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?
- The History of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror
- Governing the World: The History of an Idea, 1815 to the Present
- Hitler’s Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe
- The Long Hangover: Putin’s New Russia and the Ghosts of the Past
- Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took on the West
- Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator #history #people #must
- Russia: A 1000-Year Chronicle of the Wild East #history
- Witold Szabłowski
- Dancing Bears: True Stories about Longing for the Old Days
- What’s Cooking in the Kremlin: A Modern History of Russia Through the Kitchen Door #history
- I Love Russia: Reporting from a Lost Country #history #journalist #must
- Conversations with Stalin (Milovan Djilas) #history #memoir
- In Their Own Words: How Russian Propagandists Reveal Putin’s Intentions (Julia Davis) #Ukrainian-Voices
- Endgame 1944: How Stalin Won the War (Jonathan Dimbleby) #history #must
- From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia (Michael McFaul) #history
- Orlando Figes #history
- A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution: 1891-1924 #must
- The Story of Russia
- Life and Fate (Vasily Grossman) #fiction #must
- The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution (Yuri Slezkine) #history
- A History of Russia (Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, Mark D. Steinberg)
- Lenin: The Man, the Dictator, and the Master of Terror (Victor Sebestyen) #biography #must
- Leon Trotsky: A Revolutionary’s Life (Joshua Rubenstein) #biography
- The Russian Revolution: A New History (Sean McMeekin)
- Mitrokhin Archive: The Kgb In Europe And The West (Christopher Andrew, Vasill Mitrokhin) #history #intelligence
- Gorbachev: His Life and Times (William Taubman) #biography
- Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union (Vladislav M. Zubok) #history
# Spain
- Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 #history #fascism #politics #must
# Syria
- The Daughters of Kobani: A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and Justice #war #Islamic #female #must
# Taiwan
- 台灣地方政治讀本:來自青年世代的提問、實踐與反思 #politics
- 陳柔縉
- 宮前町九十番地 #bumingbai
- 台灣西方文明初體驗
- 人人身上都是一個時代
- 張繼高與吳心柳
- Formosa Betrayed (George H. Kerr) #must
- 島國知音:台灣問題專家葛超智其人其事
- 齐世英先生访问记录
- 常識:一個台灣人最好知道的事
- 移工築起的地下社會:跨國勞動在臺灣
- 靈魂與灰燼:臺灣白色恐怖散文選
- 臺灣總統選舉: 台灣認同的成長與爭奪 #must
- Made in Taiwan: Recipes and Stories from the Island Nation
- 時代如何轉了彎:蔡英文與臺灣轉型八年
- 台灣經濟四百年 #must
- 濁水溪三百年:歷史.社會.環境
- 謝雪紅評傳
- U.S.-Taiwan Relations (Ryan Hass)
- 後中共的中國:當中共政權解體,所有台灣人不可不知的天下大勢全推演
- 台灣生態家庭:六個女性、環保與社會運動的民間典範 #translation #must
- Ecofamilism: Women, Religion, and Environmental Protection in Taiwan
- 太平輪一九四九:航向台灣的故事
- 羅漪文
- 我當司法通譯的日子:法律之前,不讓移工喪失權益與尊嚴
- 抵達安康:在身邊的越南移民故事,企業千金、計程車司機、市場與美甲店的阿姨…… #immigration #Vietnam
- 海島核事:反核運動、能源選擇,與一場尚未結束的告別 #history
- 亞洲第一:尤美女和臺灣同婚法案的故事 #history #transgender
- 重探戰後臺灣政治史:美國、國民黨政府與臺灣社會的三方角力 #history
- 亡國感的逆襲:臺灣的機會在哪裡 #commentary
- 地緣政治Vol.1:島鏈風雲 地理×戰略×大局 #China-geopolitics
- 阿共打來怎麼辦:你以為知道但實際一無所知的台海軍事常識 #war
- 再談阿共打來怎麼辦:從烏克蘭戰場看台海局勢 #war
- 臺灣最好的時刻,1977-1987:民族記憶美麗島 #democracy #politics #history #must
- 被迫一戰,台灣準備好了嗎?:台海戰爭的政治分析 #war #must
- 沒口之河 (黃瀚嶢) #nature #essay
- 「野蠻」的復權:臺灣原住民族的轉型正義與現代法秩序的自我救贖 #indigenous #sociology
- 帝國棄民:日本在臺灣「蕃界」內的統治(1874-1945) #history #translation-enhance #indigenous #must
- 強制移住:臺灣高山原住民的分與離 #history #indigenous
- 第五道浪之後:阿美族水下獵人的海洋知識與傳統海域的保育與管理 #indigenous
- The Struggle for Taiwan: A History of America, China, and the Island Caught Between #history
- 斷裂的海:金門、馬祖,從國共前線到台灣偶然的共同體 #history
- 林孝庭
- 台海‧冷戰‧蔣介石:解密檔案中消失的台灣史1948-1988 #dasheng #history #must
- Accidental State: Chiang Kai-shek, the United States, and the Making of Taiwan #dasheng
- 蔣經國的台灣時代:中華民國與冷戰下的台灣
- Cold War Island: Quemoy on the Front Line (Michael Szonyi) #history
- 陳翠蓮
- 重探戰後臺灣政治史:美國、國民黨政府與臺灣社會的三方角力 #history #dasheng #must
- 重構二二八:戰後美中體制、中國統治模式與臺灣 #dasheng
- 自治之夢:日治時期到二二八的臺灣民主運動 #dasheng
- 百年追求:臺灣民主運動的故事 (陳翠蓮, 吳乃德, 胡慧玲) #dasheng
- 四六事件與臺灣大學 (陳翠蓮, 李鎧揚) #dasheng
- The Great Exodus from China: Trauma, Memory, and Identity in Modern Taiwan (Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang) #history
- 夜遊:解嚴前夕一個國中女生的身體時代記 #essay #youth #politics #history
- 李登輝執政告白實錄
- 末代女礦工:海山煤礦,與一位社會學者對礦工阿嬤的生命考掘 (戴伯芬) #people #history
# Tibet
- 殺劫:不可碰觸的記憶禁區,鏡頭下的西藏文革,第一次披露 #must
- 圖博千年:一個旅人的雪域凝視
- 桑和朵瑪:西藏離散社群的流動與社會韌性
# Turkey
- The Architect’s Apprentice (Elif Shafak) #fiction
# UK
- Error of Judgement: The Birmingham Bombings and the Scandal That Shook Britain
- Empireworld: How British Imperialism Has Shaped the Globe #history
- Keir Starmer: The Biography #people #must
- King John: England’s Evil King? (Ralph V Turner) #history
# Ukraine
- Zelensky: A Biography (Serhii Rudenko) #people
- The Fight of Our Lives: My Time with Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s Battle for Democracy, and What It Means for the World (Iuliia Mendel) #memoir
- The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine
- The Showman: Inside the Invasion That Shook the World and Made a Leader of Volodymyr Zelensky #must
- The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History
- The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine
- The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution #must
- Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine Under Nazi Rule
- The Language of War (Oleksandr Mykhed) #must
- She Came from Mariupol (Natascha Wodin) #history #memoir #must
- 烏克蘭的不可能戰爭:反抗,所以存在
- 帝國解體與自由的堡壘:烏克蘭抗俄戰爭的歷史源起、地緣政治與正義之辯 #geopolitics #must
- 向日葵的季節 (Igor T. Miecik) #documentary #translation
- 戰火下我們依然喝咖啡:烏克蘭人的抵抗故事 #documentary #war
- The Rooster House: My Ukrainian Family Story: A Memoir #history
- The Ukraine (Artem Chapeye) #fiction #short-stories #must
- Our Enemies Will Vanish: The Russian Invasion and Ukraine’s War of Independence #reporting #must
- The Death of a Soldier Told by His Sister #memoir #war
- Ukraine 22: Ukrainian Writers Respond to War #anthology #must
- Ivan and Phoebe: A Novel (Oksana Lutsysyna) #novel #fiction #revolution #female
- Sky Above Kharkiv: Dispatches from the Ukrainian Front (Serhiy Zhadan) #reporting #war
- The War Came To Us: Life and Death in Ukraine #must
- The Language of War (Oleksandr Mykhed) #record
- The Wild West of Eastern Europe: A Ukrainian Guide on Breaking Free from Empire
- Night Train to Odesa: Covering the Human Cost of Russia’s War Hardcover (Jen Stout) #reporting #must
- Civilizing Torture: An American Tradition
- Joe Biden: The Life, the Run, and What Matters Now (Evan Osnos)
- 為幸福而生:在法律秩序中追求平等權利的歷程 #bumingbai
- Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic #must
- Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right #must
- Ghosting the News: Local Journalism and the Crisis of American Democracy #must
- The Internationalists: The Fight to Restore American Foreign Policy After Trump #must
- What Happened (H. R. Clinton) #must
- White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide #must
- Tales of Two Americas: Stories of Inequality in a Divided Nation
- Infinite Jest: A Novel
- Dear Senator: A Memoir #must
- The Family Roe: An American Story #must
- A Question of Choice (Sarah Weddington)
- Outtakes: Stumbling Around the World for NPR
- Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change
- Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market #history
- The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery #history
- Goldberger’s War: The Life and Work of a Public Health Crusader #history
- An American Dilemma (Gunnar Myrdal)
- Who Are We?: The Challenges to America’s National Identity
- How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America
- They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South #must #history
- Forced to Care: Coercion and Caregiving in America
- Tipping: An American Social History of Gratuities
- The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology
- Woman: The American History of an Idea #history
- The Good Immigrant: 26 Writers Reflect on America #must
- A Beginner’s Guide to America: For the Immigrant and the Curious
- Trauma And Recovery: The Aftermath Of Violence- From Domestic Abuse To Political Terror #psychology
- Anti-Intellectualism in American Life #education #sociology
- 此心安處:美國十年
- Ill Winds: Saving Democracy from Russian Rage, Chinese Ambition, and American Complacency #democracy #history
- Black Like Me #racism #history #liberty #must
- Merchants of the Right: Gun Sellers and the Crisis of American Democracy
- Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America #racism #history #must
- America’s Deadliest Election: The Cautionary Tale of the Most Violent Election in American History #politics
- Pete Buttigieg
- Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future #memoir #must
- Trust: America’s Best Chance #opinions
- The Art of Power: My Story as America’s First Woman Speaker of the House #politics #female #autobiography #must
- Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir (Mary L. Trump PhD)
- The Truths We Hold: An American Journey (Kamala Harris) #biography #must
- Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means for America (Paola Ramos) #politics
- War (Bob Woodward) #politics #must
- Behold, America: The Entangled History of “America First” and “the American Dream” (Sarah Churchwell) #history
- Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism (Rachel Maddow) #history
- The World of Chief Seattle: How Can One Sell The Air? (Warren Jefferson)
- Armed Citizens: The Road from Ancient Rome to the Second Amendment (Noah Shusterman)
- Thomas E. Ricks
- First Principles: What America’s Founders Learned from the Greeks and Romans and How That Shaped Our Country #history #must
- Waging a Good War: A Military History of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968 #strategy #must #military
# Vietnam
- 越南現代小說選 (羅漪文 譯) #fiction #novel #must
- Dispatches (Michael Herr) #war #history
# Xinjiang
- The Uyghurs: Strangers in Their Own Land
# Art
- Vivian Maier: The Color Work
- Bruegel: The Complete Paintings
- Timeless Paris (Marin Montagut)
- Divine Gardens: Mayumi Oda and the San Francisco Zen Center #must #essay
- The Roots of Romanticism (Isaiah Berlin) #bumingbai
- Color: A Natural History of the Palette (Victoria Finlay) #history
# Biography
- The Elements of Marie Curie: How the Glow of Radium Lit a Path for Women in Science (Dava Sobel) #science #female #must
- Dutch Girl: Audrey Hepburn and World War II (Robert Matzen) #history #must
- Something Like An Autobiography (Akira Kurosawa) #film #must
- Churchill and Orwell: The Fight for Freedom (Thomas E. Ricks) #history #must
# Business
- Facebook: The Inside Story
- The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success (William N. Thorndike Jr.) #investment #must
# Communication
- Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know (Malcolm Gladwell)
# Consciousness
# Imagination
- Imagination: A Very Short Introduction (Jennifer Gosetti-Ferencei)
# Creativity
- Edward De Bono
- Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step #must
- How to Have Creative Ideas: 62 Exercises to Develop the Mind
# Economy
- A Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy
- Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises #must #history
- The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century
- The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes #people #must #history
- The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you #business #must
- Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics #bumingbai
- The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism #capitalism
- The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy #history
- Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty #politics #history #must
- Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology #history
- Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century #history
- The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It (Robert B. Reich) #must
- Ludwig Von Mises
- Economic policy: Thoughts for today and tomorrow #must
- Ludwig Von Mises: The Man and His Economics (Israel M. Kirzner, Library of Modern Thinkers)
- Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis
- The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy (Kenneth Pomeranz) #history #China #must
- Microeconomics: A Very Short Introduction (Avinash Dixit)
- Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (Benjamin M. Friedman) #must
- Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics (Henry Hazlitt) #must
- The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy (Stephanie Kelton) #idea #monetary #must
- Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World (Liaquat Ahamed) #history #must
- Oliver Bullough
- Moneyland: The Inside Story of the Crooks and Kleptocrats Who Rule the World #crime #politics #must
- Butler to the World: How Britain Helps the World’s Worst People Launder Money, Commit Crimes, and Get Away with Anything #oligarch
- Debt: The First 5,000 Years (David Graeber) #history #must
- Who Gets What—and Why: The New Economics of Matchmaking and Market Design (Alvin E. Roth)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance (Douglass C. North) #politics #must
# Education
- Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life
- How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character
- Happy Teachers Change the World: A Guide for Cultivating Mindfulness in Education #must #mindfulness
- Barbara Oakley
- A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science #must
- Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything #must
- Uncommon Sense Teaching: Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn
- Ken Bain
- What the Best College Teachers Do
- Super Courses: The Future of Teaching and Learning
- 100 TESOL Activities: Practical ESL/EFL Activities for the Communicative Classroom
- A Culture of Happiness: How to Scale Up Happiness from People to Organizations (Tho Ha Vinh) #happiness #must
- Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide (Richard M. Felder, Rebecca Brent) #idea #must
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Carol S. Dweck) #idea #self-help #must
- Emotions, Learning, and the Brain: Exploring the Educational Implications of Affective Neuroscience (Mary Helen Immordino-Yang)
- The Invisible Classroom: Relationships, Neuroscience & Mindfulness in School (Kirke Olson)
- Exceptionally Gifted Children (Miraca U. M. Gross)
# Homeschooling
- Home Education (Charlotte Mason)
- A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning (Karen Andreola)
- Six Voices, One Story: The Heart of AmblesideOnline (AmblesideOnline Educational Foundation)
# Teaching
- The Growth Mindset Coach: A Teacher’s Month-by-Month Handbook for Empowering Students to Achieve (Annie Brock, Heather Hundley)
# Environment
- A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future #must
- Forests: The Shadow of Civilization
- Exposure: Poisoned Water, Corporate Greed, and One Lawyer’s Twenty-Year Battle against DuPont #must
- Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization #must
- The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times #must
- Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science #must
- Underland: A Deep Time Journey
- The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
- Pass it On: Five Stories That Can Change the World #must
- Radical Love: From Separation to Connection with the Earth, Each Other, and Ourselves (Satish Kumar)
- World as Lover, World as Self: Courage for Global Justice and Planetary Renewal (Joanna Macy)
- The Three Ages of Water: Prehistoric Past, Imperiled Present, and a Hope for the Future #must
- Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World #must
- Amphibious Soul: Finding the wild in a tame world #must
- Climate Capitalism: Winning the Race to Zero Emissions and Solving the Crisis of Our Age #future
- Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity #economy #climate-crisis #must
- What If We Get It Right?: Visions of Climate Futures (Ayana Elizabeth Johnson) #must
- Soil, Soul, Society: A New Trinity for Our Time (Satish Kumar) #meditation
- Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (William McDonough, Michael Braungart) #must #sustainability
- The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability–Designing for Abundance (William McDonough, Michael Braungart) #sustainability
- The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet (Jeff Goodell)
- Trash Talk: An Eye-Opening Exploration of Our Planet’s Dirtiest Problem (Iris Gottlieb)
- How to Blow Up a Pipeline (Andreas Malm) #environment #strategy #activism
# Feminism
- Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny
- Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body
- Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Year Disguised as a Man
- Dear Life: Stories (Alice Munro)
- Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism #must
- The Story of Art without Men #must
- Dr. Jen Gunter
- The Vagina Bible: The Vulva and the Vagina: Separating the Myth from the Medicine #must
- The Menopause Manifesto: Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism
- Blood: The Science, Medicine, and Mythology of Menstruation
- A History of Women in 101 Objects (Annabelle Hirsch)
- Emotional Labor: The Invisible Work Shaping Our Lives and How to Claim Our Power #must
- Angela Saini
- Inferior: The true power of women and the science that shows it #must
- Superior: The Return of Race Science
- The Patriarchs: How Men Came to Rule #must
- Andrea Dworkin
- Last Days at Hot Slit: The Radical Feminism of Andrea Dworkin #must
- Intercourse
- Heartbreak : The Political Memoir Of A Feminist Militant
- bell hooks
- All About Love: New Visions #must
- bell hooks: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations
- Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood
- The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love #must
- The Baby on the Fire Escape: Creativity, Motherhood, and the Mind-Baby Problem #must
- Wednesday Martin
- Untrue: Why Nearly Everything We Believe About Women, Lust, and Infidelity Is Wrong and How the New Science Can Set Us Free #must
- Primates of Park Avenue: A Memoir
- Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women are Worth
- Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men #must
- The Women I Think About at Night: Traveling the Paths of My Heroes #must
- On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good
- Lady Doctors: The Untold Stories of India’s First Women in Medicine #must
- Gloria Steinem
- My Life on the Road #must
- The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off!: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Rebellion #must
- 50 Years of Ms.: The Best of the Pathfinding Magazine That Ignited a Revolution
- Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics
- Fatima Mernissi
- Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood
- The Veil And The Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation Of Women’s Rights In Islam
- White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color #must
- When God Was a Woman (Merlin Stone) #must #history
- The Creation of Patriarchy (Gerda Lerner) #history
- We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women’s Lives
- Woman at Point Zero #fiction
- The Living Goddesses (Marija Gimbutas)
- The Feminine Mystique (Betty Friedan) #must
- The Handmaid’s Tale #fiction
- Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption
- Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty #must
- The Female Turn: How Evolutionary Science Shifted Perceptions About Females
- Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women
- Mediocre (Ijeoma Oluo)
- It’s Not About the Burqa: Muslim Women on Faith, Feminism, Sexuality and Race
- Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
- On Female Body Experience: “Throwing Like a Girl” and Other Essays (Iris Marion Young)
- Simone De Beauvoir
- The Second Sex
- The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century #philosophy
- Becoming Beauvoir: A Life #people #must
- 始於極限:跨越社會習以為常的「邊界」,當代女性如何活出想要的人生 (Chizuko Ueno) #letter #translation #must
- Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Judith Butler) #theory
- My Body (Emily Ratajkowski) #memoir #must
- Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women #philosophy
- Sister in Law: Fighting for Justice in a System Designed by Men (Harriet Wistrich) #law #justice #real-stories
# Fiction
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- Beasts of No Nation: A Novel
- 悲情城市
- Dune (6 books)
- Prep (Curtis Sittenfeld)
- Caging Skies (Jojo Rabbit) #film-origin
- Pride and Prejudice
- Catch-22 #must
- 女神自助餐 (劉芷妤)
- 台北人 (白先勇)
- Siddhartha: A Novel
- Stoner (John Williams)
- ¡Ay, Mija! (A Graphic Novel)
- 人世间 (梁晓声) #bumingbai
- Neuromancer (William Gibson) #must #bumingbai
- Sympathizer: A Novel #must #bumingbai
- 鹿鼎记 #bumingbai
- Silence: A Novel #bumingbai #must
- The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream #must
# Children
- Out of the Hitler Time (trilogy) #must
- The Coconut Monk (Thich Nhat Hanh)
- Ban This Book: A Novel (Alan Gratz) #politics #must
# Novel
- Anna Karenina (Rosamund Bartlett translation version) #bumingbai
- Ferdydurke (Witold Gombrowicz) #must
- Schindler’s ark
- The Child of Ukraine: An absolutely gripping and heart-wrenching historical novel based on a true story
- Poor Things: Episodes from the Early Life of Archibald McCandless M.D., Scottish Public Health Officer #must
- Black Butterflies (Priscilla Morris) #must
- The Actual Star: A Novel #sci-fi
- I Kick and I Fly #must
- White Nights (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
- The Joy Luck Club: A Novel (Amy Tan)
- Stone Butch Blues (Leslie Feinberg) #autobiography #transgender
- Forgottenness: A Novel (Tanja Maljartschuk) #time #trauma #identity
- Burma Sahib: A Novel: A Riveting Historical Fiction Exploring the Transformation of Eric Blair into George Orwell #people #bumingbai
- The Sympathizer #Vietnam #bumingbai
- Moby Dick (Herman Melville)
- Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Psychological Edge (David Dreman)
- Shane (Jack Schaefer)
- Conclave: A novel (Robert Harris)
# Plays
- English / Wish You Were Here: Two Plays #must
- Samuel Beckett: The Complete Dramatic Works
- Nora: A Doll’s House
- Antigone (Jean Anouilh) #translation #French #tyranny #must
- The Man from Earth (Richard Schenkman: adapter, Jerome Bixby) #film #sci-fi #must
# Science
- The Journeys of Socrates: An Adventure #must
# Short Stories
- The Lost Salt Gift of Blood (Alistair MacLeod)
- Interpreter of Maladies
- Men Without Women (Ernest Miller Hemingway)
- Writing (ori: Écrire, Marguerite Duras)
- A Manual for Cleaning Women: Selected Stories (Lucia Berlin) #female #must
- 而獨角獸倒立在歧路 (王仁劭) #dasheng #must
- Concerning the Future of Souls: 99 Stories of Azrael (Joy Williams)
- A Cage Went in Search of a Bird: Ten Kafkaesque Stories
- At the Bottom of the River (Jamaica Kincaid)
# Society
- Brave New World
# Film
# Director
- Mike Leigh on Mike Leigh (Mike Leigh) #biography
- Mike Leigh: Interviews
- Lessons with Kiarostami (Abbas Kiarostami)
# Finance
- The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security #must
- The Price of Time: The Real Story of Interest (Edward Chancellor) #history #must
# Investing
- 100 Baggers: Stocks that Return 100-to-1 and How to Find Them (Christopher W. Mayer)
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (Burton G. Malkiel) #stock #must
- How to Day Trade: The Plain Truth (Ross Cameron) #must
- The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness (Morgan Housel) #must
- Scott Nations
- The Anxious Investor: Mastering the Mental Game of Investing
- A History of the United States in Five Crashes: Stock Market Meltdowns That Defined a Nation #must
- Stocks for the Long Run: The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns & Long-Term Investment Strategies (Jeremy J. Siegel) #must
- Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market (Scott Patterson) #trading #must
- Trade Mindfully: Achieve Your Optimum Trading Performance with Mindfulness and Cutting-Edge Psychology (Gary Dayton) #trading #must
- 100 to 1 in the Stock Market: A Distinguished Security Analyst Tells How to Make More of Your Investment Opportunities (Thomas W. Phelps) #must
- Benjamin Graham
- Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall Street #memoir
- Security Analysis #must
- The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing #trading #must
- Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession: The Early Writings of the Father of Security (Jason Zweig)
- The Investor’s Dilemma: How Mutual Funds Are Betraying Your Trust And What To Do About It (Louis Lowenstein)
- Wealth, War and Wisdom (Barton Biggs) #must
- Fortune’s Formula: The Untold Story of the Scientific Betting System That Beat the Casinos and Wall Street (William Poundstone)
- The Little Book That Builds Wealth: The Knockout Formula for Finding Great Investments (Pat Dorsey)
- The Dhandho Investor: The Low-Risk Value Method to High Returns (Mohnish Pabrai)
- The Revolution of Everyday Life (Raoul Vaneigem)
- The White Sharks of Wall Street: Thomas Mellon Evans and the Original Corporate Raiders (Diana B. Henriques) #people
- Luck: The Brilliant Randomness Of Everyday Life (Nicholas Rescher)
- Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings (Philip A. Fisher)
- The Candlestick Course (Steve Nison) #trading #must
- One Up On Wall Street: How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market (Peter Lynch) #trading #must
- Secrets of the Soes Bandit: Harvey Houtkin Reveals His Battle-Tested Electronic Trading Techniques (David Waldman, Harvey I. Houtkin) #trading #history
- Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude (Mark Douglas) #psychology #trading
- The Alchemy of Finance (George Soros) #must
- Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading: Predictive models to extract signals from market and alternative data for systematic trading strategies with Python (Stefan Jansen) #machine-learning #algo-trading
- Advances in Financial Machine Learning (Marcos Lopez de Prado) #must #machine-learning #algo-trading
- Van K. Tharp
- Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom #must
- Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets
- Eight Edges You Must Have: Your Written Trading Plan
- Jack D. Schwager
- Unknown Market Wizards: The best traders you’ve never heard of #must
- Market Wizards: Interviews With Top Traders
- The Little Book of Market Wizards: Lessons from the Greatest Traders
- Hedge Fund Market Wizards: How Winning Traders Win
- A Complete Guide to the Futures Market: Technical Analysis, Trading Systems, Fundamental Analysis, Options, Spreads, and Trading Principles
- Market Sense and Nonsense: How the Markets Really Work (and How They Don’t)
- The Complete TurtleTrader: The Legend, the Lessons, the Results (Michael W Covel) #event #must
- Nick Radge
- Weekend Trend Trader #strategy
- Unholy Grails - A New Road to Wealth
- Adaptive Analysis for Stocks
- Every-Day Traders Australia: Australians Who Successfully Trade for a Living #interview
- Reminiscences of a Stock Operator: With New Commentary and Insights on the Life and Times of Jesse Livermore (Edwin Lefèvre) #must
- Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders (Curtis Faith)
- Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader: Lessons from 21 Weeks of Real Trading (Peter L. Brandt)
- What You Should Know About Inflation (Henry Hazlitt) #must
- Tom Basso
- The All Weather Trader: Mr. Serenity’s Thoughts on Trading Come Rain or Shine #must
- Trend Following Mindset: The Genius of Legendary Trader Tom Basso (Michael Covel)
- Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation (Edward Chancellor) #must
# Monetary
- The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (Niall Ferguson)
- Money: The Unauthorized Biography–From Coinage to Cryptocurrencies (Felix Martin)
- When Money Dies: The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany (Adam Fergusson) #history
- Barry Eichengreen
- Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System
- How Global Currencies Work: Past, Present, and Future
- Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System
- Tokens: The Future of Money in the Age of the Platform #future #must
# Trading
- Automated Stock Trading Systems: A Systematic Approach for Traders to Make Money in Bull, Bear and Sideways Markets (Laurens Bensdorp)
- Mark Douglas
- Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline, and a Winning Attitude #must
- The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes
- Technical Analysis of Stock Trends (Robert D. Edwards, John Magee, W.H.C. Bassetti) #textbook #classics
# Food
- Eat Like The Animals: What Nature Teaches Us About the Science of Healthy Eating
- Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us
- The Blue Revolution: Hunting, Harvesting, and Farming Seafood in the Information Age
- The Future of Nutrition: An Insider’s Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right #must
- Eating to Extinction: The World’s Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them #must
- The Berkeley Bowl Cookbook: Recipes Inspired by the Extraordinary Produce of California’s Most Iconic Market #recipe
- Things I Did When I Was Hangry: Navigating a Peaceful Relationship with Food #mindfulness #must
- Have You Eaten Yet: Stories from Chinese Restaurants Around the World #immigration
- We Are What We Eat: A Slow Food Manifesto #foodthink
- 烟火三十六味 (三三) #travel #foodthink #China
- The Art of Fermentation (Sandor Ellix Katz) #science #must
- The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food #agriculture #must
- Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves (Nicola Twilley)
# Cooking
- East: 120 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes from Bangalore to Beijing (Meera Sodha)
# Gender
- Better Boys, Better Men: The New Masculinity That Creates Greater Courage and Emotional Resiliency (Andrew Reiner) #must
- Poet, Mystic, Widow, Wife: The Extraordinary Lives of Medieval Women (Hetta Howes) #people #female
# Health
- Chronic Pain Reset: 30 Days of Activities, Practices, and Skills to Help You Thrive
- Period (Emma Barnett)
- Break Free from Maternal Anxiety: A Self-Help Guide for Pregnancy, Birth and the First Postnatal Year
- This Is Assisted Dying: A Doctor’s Story of Empowering Patients at the End of Life #must
- Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs: The Simple Truth About Food, Weight, and Disease #foodthink
- Virtual You: How Building Your Digital Twin Will Revolutionize Medicine and Change Your Life #future
- Pathogenesis: How Germs Made History (Jonathan Kennedy) #history #must
- The Living Medicine: How a Lifesaving Cure Was Nearly Lost―and Why It Will Rescue Us When Antibiotics Fail (Lina Zeldovich)
- Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients (Ben Goldacre)
- Sociopath: A Memoir (Patric Gagne) #memoir #must
- Dr. Jamie Koufman
- The Chronic Cough Enigma: How to recognize neurogenic and reflux related cough
- Dr. Koufman’s Acid Reflux Diet: With 111 All New Recipes Including Vegan & Gluten-Free
- Lies My Doctor Told Me Second Edition: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health (Dr. Ken Berry)
- How to Fix a Broken Heart (Guy Winch) #emotion #self-help
# Exercise
- Kettlebell Axe: High Speed, Low Drag Alternative to HIIT (Pavel Tsatsouline)
- Aging Backwards: Fast Track: 6 Ways in 30 Days to Look and Feel Younger (Miranda Esmonde-White)
# History
- How the World Really Works: A Scientist’s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future
- IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation
- 海風泱泱:從忠義計畫到拉法葉艦的故事
- 終戰那一天:臺灣戰爭世代的故事
- 百年追求:臺灣民主運動的故事
- Accidental State: Chiang Kai-shek, the United States, and the Making of Taiwan
- A Very Short History of the World (Geoffrey Blainey) #must
- Goodbye, Eastern Europe: An Intimate History of a Divided Land
- The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power #must
- Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (Doris Lessing) #must
- Ghosts of the Tsunami: Death and Life in Japan’s Disaster Zone
- The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality #bumingbai #must
- 文明的邏輯: 人類與風險的博弈 #bumingbai
- The Truce (Primo Levi) #bumingbai
- A Guest in My Own Country: A Hungarian Life #bumingbai
- In Our Image: America’s Empire in the Philippines
- Fascism: A Warning #must
- Midnight’s Furies: The Deadly Legacy of India’s Partition #must #bumingbai
- The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History #must #bumingbai
- 技术与文明 (张笑宇) #bumingbai
- Enemies and Neighbors: Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel,1917-2017
- My Promised Land:The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel
- The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas #bumingbai #must
- Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI
- Judgment at Tokyo: World War II on Trial and the Making of Modern Asia
- Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage #must
- The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing, 1450-1800
- Rome and China : Comparative Perspectives on Ancient World Empires: Comparative Perspectives on Ancient World Empires
- Bad Year Economics: Cultural Responses to Risk and Uncertainty
- Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
- Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States
- God’s Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican #must
- Church History in Plain Language
- The Destruction of the European Jews
- KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps
- Fascism: A Warning #must
- How to Win an Information War: The Propagandist Who Outwitted Hitler #must
- The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany
- Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations #must
- The Achilles Trap: Saddam Hussein, the C.I.A., and the Origins of America’s Invasion of Iraq #must
- Memoirs 1925-1950 (George F. Kennan)
- Impossible Monsters: Dinosaurs, Darwin and the War Between Science and Religion #must
- The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, its Regions and their Peoples
- Judgment at Tokyo: World War II on Trial and the Making of Modern Asia
- Open: The Story of Human Progress
- The Fighters: Americans In Combat
- Sisters of the War: Two Remarkable True Stories of Survival and Hope in Syria
- Eat the Buddha: Life and Death in a Tibetan Town (Barbara Demick) #dasheng #must
- The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies
- How to Feed a Dictator: Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Enver Hoxha, Fidel Castro, and Pol Pot Through the Eyes of Their Cooks (Witold Szablowski)
- Disputed Inheritance: The Battle over Mendel and the Future of Biology
- Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior
- SCOOPS (Sam McAlister)
- Berlin Diary (William L. Shirer)
- Soldaten: On Fighting, Killing and Dying
- Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955
- Undelivered: The Never-Heard Speeches That Would Have Rewritten History
- An African History of Africa: From the Dawn of Civilization to Independence #must
- Everything Must Go: The Stories We Tell About The End of the World #must
- A Brief History Of Everyone Ever Lived #must
- Hitler and Stalin: The Tyrants and the Second World War #must
- The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity
- Affluence Without Abundance: What We Can Learn from the World’s Most Successful Civilisation #must
- The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future
- The Superhero Reader (University Press of Mississippi) #must
- Hammer And Tickle: A History Of Communism Told Through Communist Jokes
- Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States
- The Spartans: A Very Short Introduction (Andrew J. Bayliss)
- Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire’s Slaves #slavery
- The Rise and Fall of Communism (Archie Brown)
- Maoism: A Global History #must
- Night (Elie Wiesel)
- Prisoners of History: What Monuments to World War II Tell Us About Our History and Ourselves
- The Cold War: A World History (Odd Arne Westad) #must
- Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland #Holocaust
- The Guns of August #WWI #must
- Atoms and Ashes: A Global History of Nuclear Disasters
- The Missing Thread: A Women’s History of the Ancient World (Daisy Dunn) #female
- At the Edge of Empire: A Family’s Reckoning with China (Edward Wong) #memoir #China
- Will Durant
- The Lessons of History (Will Durant, Ariel Durant)
- The Story of Civilization: The Age of Reason Begins
- The Secret World: A History of Intelligence (Christopher Andrew) #intelligence #comprehensive
- Yalta: The Price of Peace (S. M. Plokhy)
# Comparative
- Lineages of the Absolutist State (Perry Anderson)
- Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe (Robert Gellately)
- The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Nicolas Werth, Stéphane Courtois)
# Journalism
- No Ordinary Assignment #memoir #war #female #must
- Snapshots Sent Home: From Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine―A Memoir (JT Blatty) #war #must
# Language
- Sympathy for the Traitor: A Translation Manifesto
- How to Learn a Foreign Language (Paul Pimsleur) #education #must
- Stephen Krashen
- Comprehensible and Compelling: The Causes and Effects of Free Voluntary Reading
- English Learners in American Classrooms: 101 Questions, 101 Answers #must
- The Language Learner Guidebook: Powerful Tools to Help You Conquer Any Language (Shane Dixon) #must
# Law
- The Prosecutor: One Man’s Pursuit of Justice for the Voiceless
- Sex Is as Sex Does: Governing Transgender Identity
- The Future of Human Rights (Alison Brysk) #human-rights
- Inventing Human Rights: A History #human-rights #history
- Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption #memoir #must
- 法律有關係:法律是什麼?怎麼變?如何影響我們生活?
- Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society, and Its Relation to Modern Ideas (Henry Sumner Maine) #anthropology #classics
# Leadership
- Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win (Jocko Willink, Leif Babin)
- Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy (Henry Kissinger) #must
# Life
- How to be a Happier Parent: Raising a Family, Having a Life, and Loving (Almost) Every Minute
- Arriving at Your Own Door: 108 Lessons in Mindfulness
- Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain
- Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality
- Being a Teen: Everything Teen Girls & Boys Should Know About Relationships, Sex, Love, Health, Identity & More
- The Confidence Code for Girls: Taking Risks, Messing Up, & Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self
- 是非要溫柔:聖嚴法師的禪式管理學
- 100 Jewish Brides: Stories from Around the World
- Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict
- The Best Minds: A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions #must
- Persepolis #must
- Learning to Think.: The inspiring memoir about family, poverty, and the power of education
- 視障者的機智生活
- The Master of Disguise: My Secret Life in the CIA #must
- No One Talks About This Stuff: Twenty-Two Stories of Almost Parenthood #must
- Heartwood: The Art of Living with the End in Mind
- Wang Gungwu
- Home is Not Here
- Home is Where We Are
- Sefton Delmer
- Trail Sinister
- Black Boomerang
- Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder
- The Years Paperback (Annie Ernaux) #must
- How to Say Babylon: A Memoir #must
- I’m Black So You Don’t Have to Be: A Memoir in Eight Lives #must
- Healing: A Woman’s Journey from Doctor to Nun #spirituality
- A Very Easy Death: A Memoir (Simone De Beauvoir)
- Hijab Butch Blues: A Memoir #Islamic #immigration #queer #must
- Living the Good Life: How to Live Sanely and Simply in a Troubled World #must
- Out of Egypt: A Memoir #bumingbai #must
- Broken Girl: A true story (Bradley Trevor Greive, Caroline Laner Breure) #trauma
- 失敗者回憶錄 (李怡) #memoir #dasheng
- Broken Threads: My Family From Empire to Independence (Mishal Husain) #memoir #India
- 与你同行 (曲艺) #cancer #health #love #must
- Stay True: A Memoir (Hua Hsu)
- Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty (Hillary Rodham Clinton) #female #history #must
- Sonny Boy: A Memoir (Al Pacino) #must
- The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life’s Journey (Muhammad Ali, Hana Yasmeen Ali) #memoir #must
- Ali: A Life (Jonathan Eig) #must
# Math
- Jordan Ellenberg
- Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else
- How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking
- Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
# Media
- 真相製造:從聖戰士媽媽、極權政府、網軍教練、境外勢力、打假部隊、內容農場主人到政府小編
- When the Hood Comes Off: Racism and Resistance in the Digital Age #racism
# Medical
- Trail Guide to Movement: Building the Body in Motion #anatomy
- The Body: A Guide for Occupants #anatomy #must
- In the Wars: A Doctor’s Story of Conflict, Survival and Saving Lives #memoir #must
- The Knife’s Edge: The Heart and Mind of a Cardiac Surgeon #life #must
- 戰爭與藥物:從流感、生化武器、冰毒到創傷後壓力症候群……人氣藥學教授探索史上戰爭催生出的疾病與新藥物,以及醫藥發展所介入的人類戰事 #war #history #must #translation #Korean
- The Apothecary’s Wife: The Hidden History of Medicine and How It Became a Commodity (Karen Bloom Gevirtz) #history
- Siddhartha Mukherjee
- The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human #history #biology
- The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer #must
# Meditation
- Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life (Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD) #mindfulness #must #trading
# Memoir
- Patriot: A Memoir (Alexei Navalny) #must
- Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me (Whoopi Goldberg) #must
- Lovely One: A Memoir (Ketanji Brown Jackson)
- Finding Me (Viola Davis)
- The Truths We Hold: An American Journey (Kamala Harris) #must
- Freedom: Memoirs 1954 – 2021 (Angela Merkel) #must
- Home in the World: A Memoir (Amartya Sen) #economy #must
# Military
- On War (Carl von Clausewitz) #classics #strategy
- Warfighting: The US Marine Corps Book of Strategy #must
- Making the Corps (Thomas E. Ricks) #history #Marine
- One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer (Nathaniel C. Fick) #memoir #must
- The Warrior Ethos (Steven Pressfield)
- With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa (E.B. Sledge) #memoir #war #Marine
- The Last Stand of Fox Company: A True Story of U.S. Marines in Combat (Bob Drury, Tom Clavin) #war #history #must
# Movements
- Unbroken Wholeness: Six Pathways to the Beloved Community: Integrating Social Justice, Emotional Healing, and Spiritual Practice (John Bell) #must #spirituality
# Mythology
- Faust (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe) #plays #must
# Nature
- Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity
- Ten Birds That Changed the World
- Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach #must
- The Climate Book (Greta Thunberg) #must
- The Underworld: Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean
- Every Living Thing: The Great and Deadly Race to Know All Life #history
- Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures #must
- Deep Water: The World in the Ocean
# Parenting
- There Are Moms Way Worse Than You: Irrefutable Proof That You Are Indeed a Fantastic Parent #picture
- Honey, Baby, Mine: A Mother and Daughter Talk Life, Death, Love (and Banana Pudding) #female #memoir
- Advanced Parenting: Advice for Helping Kids Through Diagnoses, Differences, and Mental Health Challenges #must
- The Parent Trap: How to Stop Overloading Parents and Fix Our Inequality Crisis
- Lisa Damour
- Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood #girl #psychology #must
- Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls #girl #psychology #must
- The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents #psychology #must
- Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
- Father Time: A Natural History of Men and Babies #sociobiology #must
- Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding #sociobiology #must
- Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species
- The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
- The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read: (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did) (Philippa Perry) #psychology #must
- Mother Brain: How Neuroscience Is Rewriting the Story of Parenthood (Chelsea Conaboy)
- Acid Reflux in Children: How Healthy Eating Can Fix Your Child’s Asthma, Allergies, Obesity, Nasal Congestion, Cough & Croup (Dr. Jamie Koufman MD, Dr. Julie L Wei MD, Dr. Karen Zur MD) #health #food
# Motherhood
- I Cannot Control Everything Forever: A Memoir of Motherhood, Science, and Art (Emily C. Bloom) #memoir #must
# People
- I am Malala
- A Woman of Firsts: The true story of the midwife who built a hospital and changed the world
- The Life and Afterlife of Harry Houdini
- The Sister: The Extraordinary Story of Kim Yo Jong, the Most Powerful Woman in North Korea
- Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson III
- The War Diary of Asha-san : From Tokyo to Netaji’s Indian National Army
- Man’s Search for Meaning #must
- Muzoon: A Syrian Refugee Speaks Out
- Champions for Peace: Women Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize (latest edition) #must
- The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir #must
- A Propensity to Self-Subversion
- American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
- No Name in the Street
- Soundtrack of Silence: Love, Loss, and a Playlist for Life
- Beyond Evacuation: From the Himalayas to the Statue of Liberty
- Life: My Story Through History (Pope Francis) #must
- Making It So: A Memoir (Patrick Stewart)
- Francis of Assisi: A New Biography (Augustine Thompson) #must
- Fear No Evil (Natan Sharansky) #must
- 王鼎鈞回憶錄四部曲
- Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary
- Chadwick Boseman: Forever Our King 1976-2020
- Hell and Other Destinations: A 21st-Century Memoir
- Motherland: A Memoir (Paula Ramón)
- The Cave: A Secret Underground Hospital and One Woman’s Story of Survival in Syria #must
- Last to Eat, Last to Learn: My Life in Afghanistan Fighting to Educate Women #must
- Al Pacino: In Conversation with Lawrence Grobel
- The Liverbirds: Our life in Britain’s first female rock ’n’ roll band
- Julie Andrews
- Home: A Memoir of My Early Years
- Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years #must
- Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life #must
- The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X #must
- Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
- Camera Man: Buster Keaton, the Dawn of Cinema, and the Invention of the Twentieth Century
- My Life, My Love, My Legacy #must
- Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda)
- Letters from the Field, 1925-1975 (Margaret Mead)
- Wollstonecraft: Philosophy, Passion, and Politics
- Curriculum Vitae: A Volume of Autobiography
- Hite Report on Shere Hite: Voice of a Daughter in Exile #must
- Just as I Am: A Memoir (Cicely Tyson) #must
- The Rulebreaker: The Life and Times of Barbara Walters
- Women Warriors: An Unexpected History #must
- Free Thinker: Sex, Suffrage, and the Extraordinary Life of Helen Hamilton Gardener
- Chess Queens (Jennifer Shahade)
- We Are One: A Celebration of Tribal Peoples #must
- Learning True Love: Practicing Buddhism in a Time of War #religion #female #Buddhism #must
- A Life of One’s Own: Nine Women Writers Begin Again #female #must
- Lab Girl: A Memoir #science #must
- Big Science: Ernest Lawrence and the Invention that Launched the Military-Industrial Complex #science
- Sontag: Her Life and Work #female #must #queer
- Saving Freud: The Rescuers Who Brought Him to Freedom #psychology #must
- Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited (Vladimir Nabokov) #bumingbai
- Nelson Mandela
- Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela #must
- Nelson Mandela: A Very Short Introduction
- A Hand to Guide Me (Denzel Washington) #must
- Brothers in the Beloved Community: The Friendship of Thich Nhat Hanh and Martin Luther King Jr. (Marc Andrus) #must
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley (Malcolm X, Alex Haley, Attallah Shabazz #must
# Philosophy
- The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World
- Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
- Ten Things Video Games Can Teach Us: (about life, philosophy and everything) #must
- The Little Book of Humanism: Universal lessons on finding purpose, meaning and joy
- Unconditional Equals (Anne Phillips)
- Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions #must
- The Philosopher Queens: The lives and legacies of philosophy’s unsung women #people
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values #Zen #meditation #memoir #must
- The Lives of Michel Foucault #people
- The Agony of Eros (Byung-Chul Han) #love
- Beauty: A Very Short Introduction #must
- If You Live To 100, You Might As Well Be Happy: Lessons for a Long and Joyful Life #aging #translation #Korean
- The Ego and His Own: The Case of the Individual Against Authority (Max Stirner)
- Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach (Karl R. Popper)
- Plato:
- The Symposium #must
- The Republic
- Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away (Rebecca Goldstein)
- On the Suffering of the World (Arthur Schopenhauer, Eugene Thacker: editor)
- The Cambridge Companion to Locke (Vere Chappell: editor)
- Conversations of Socrates (Xenophon) #slow #ancient #must
# Enlightenment
- The Enlightenment: The Pursuit of Happiness, 1680-1790 (Ritchie Robertson) #history #must
- The Enlightenment: And Why It Still Matters (Anthony Pagden)
- The Enlightenment: History of an Idea (Vincenzo Ferrone)
- Revolutionary Ideas: An Intellectual History of the French Revolution from The Rights of Man to Robespierre (Jonathan Israel) #history #must
- Three Critics of the Enlightenment: Vico, Hamann, Herder (Isaiah Berlin)
# Photography
- I Am Home: Portraits of Immigrant Teenagers
# Picture Books
- Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves #must
- What It Is (Lynda Barry)
- Gender Queer: A Memoir #gender
- Democracy (Alecos Papadatos, Abraham Kawa, Annie Di Donna) #novel #politics
- The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
# Poetry
- On Time and Eternity (Rubem Alves)
- Poetry for the Many: An Anthology
- Deaf Republic: Poems
- Selected Poems of Langston Hughes
- States of the Body Produced by Love
- Romanzero (Heinrich Heine) #Germany
- First Buddhist Women: Poems and Stories of Awakening #Buddhism #history #must
- Please Mrs Butler #children
# Productivity
- Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work (Steven Kotler, Jamie Wheal)
# Politics
- The Power of the Powerless
- The Opium of the Intellectuals #bumingbai
- The Washington Book: How to Read Politics and Politicians
- If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution
- New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle to Defend the West #must
- This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality
- How We Survived Communism & Even Laughed #memoir
- Trump and Hitler: A Comparative Study in Lying #must
- The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities #history #democracy
- The Decline and Rise of Democracy: A Global History from Antiquity to Today #democracy #history
- Populism: A Very Short Introduction #must
- The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy #rhetoric
- Why Liberalism Failed (Patrick J. Deneen)
- How Propaganda Works (Jason Stanley) #philosophy
- The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty #liberty #history #must
- How Democracies Die: What History Reveals About Our Future #democracy #history
- Statelessness: A Modern History #history
- The Sum of the People: How the Census Has Shaped Nations, from the Ancient World to the Modern Age #history
- On Liberty (John Stuart Mill) #must
- The Prince (Niccolo Machiavelli) #leadership #bumingbai #must
- The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics #bumingbai #must
- Outsider in the White House (Bernie Sanders) #memoir #people #must
- The Power of the Powerless #must #bumingbai #history
- The Insiders’ Game: How Elites Make War and Peace #academy
- The Architecture of Modern Empire: Conversations with David Barsamian
- How Civil Wars Start: And How to Stop Them (Barbara F. Walter) #must
- Mussolini: A Biography (Dennis Mack Smith) #fascism #communism
- Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master’s Insights on China, the United States, and the World (Graham Allison, Robert D. Blackwill, Ali Wyne) #interview #leadership
- 民主的歷史 (許良英, 王來棣) #history
# Psychology
- Mirror Thinking: How Role Models Make Us Human
- The Rubber Brain: A toolkit for optimising your study, work, and life! #must
- Tell Me What You Want: A Therapist and Her Clients Explore Our 12 Deepest Desires
- The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self
- Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds
- A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
- Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure #must
- Studies in the Psychology of Sex #must
- Lisa Feldman Barrett
- Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain #must
- How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain #must
- Defining You: Build Your Unique Personal Profile and Unlock Your True Potential
- How to Knit a Human: A memoir
- The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World #must
- The Philosophical Baby: What Children’s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life #must
- The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter
- Three Women (Lisa Taddeo)
- Worlds in Harmony: Compassionate Action for a Better World #Buddhism
- The Hope Circuit: A Psychologist’s Journey from Helplessness to Optimism #memoir
- Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed #must
- Child Development: A Practitioner’s Guide (forth edition)
- Affect Regulation, Mentalization, and the Development of the Self
- Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
- Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony: How Culture Made the Human Mind
- Trauma And Recovery: The Aftermath Of Violence- From Domestic Abuse To Political Terror #trauma #must
- The Art of Loving (Erich Fromm) #love #theory #must
- The Psychology of Secrets: My Adventures with Murderers, Cults and Influencers (Andrew Gold) #interactions #social-science
- Annie Duke
- Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away #trading #decision-making #must
- Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts #decision-making #business #trading #must
- Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman) #trading #must
- The Human Mind: A Brief Tour of Everything We Know (Paul Bloom)
- Timothy D. Wilson
- Redirect #education #idea #self-help #must
- Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious
- The Social Animal (Elliot Aronson, Joshua Aronson)
- The Interpretation of Dreams: The Complete and Definitive Text (Sigmund Freud)
# Neuropsychology
- Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain (Sebern F. Fisher)
- Iain McGilchrist
- The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World #must
- The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning
- The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World
# Psychiatry
- Tim Cantopher
- Depressive Illness: The Curse of the Strong #must
- Toxic People: Dealing with Dysfunctional Relationships
# Psychoanalysis
- Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection (Julia Kristeva) #literature #film #must
# Psychotherapy
- Treating Chronically Traumatized Children: The Sleeping Dogs Method (Arianne Struik)
- From Skepticism to Competence: How American Psychiatrists Learn Psychotherapy (Mariana Craciun)
# Relationship
- Never Eat Alone, Expanded and Updated: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time
- Seeking Soulmate: Ditch the Dating Game and Find Real Connection #must #psychology #dating
- BFF?: The truth about female friendship
- Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy
- 報導者事件簿003:無體溫關係
- The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love #sex #love
- 我媽媽的寄生蟲 (林蔚昀) #essay #must
- The Book You Want Everyone You Love to Read: Sane And Sage Advice to Help You Navigate All of Your Most Important Relationships (Philippa Perry) #psychology #must
- Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (Eric Berne)
- How to Win Friends & Influence People (Dale Carnegie) #must
# Religion
- Conversations With God (Neale Donald Walsch)
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (David Hume) #classics #philosophy
- The Four Horsemen: The Conversation That Sparked an Atheist Revolution (Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett)
# Christianity
- The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus (Marvin W. Meyer, Harold Bloom #untold
- All Things in Common: The Economic Practices of the Early Christians (Roman A. Montero)
# Islam
- Faith at War: A Journey on the Frontlines of Islam, from Baghdad to Timbuktu (Yaroslav Trofimov) #history
- A History of the Muslim World: From Its Origins to the Dawn of Modernity #history
# Rights
- The Lives of Animals (J. M. Coetzee) #fiction #must
# Science
- Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication (Arik Kershenbaum)
- How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology #must
- Gendered Brain (Gina Rippon) #must
- How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed
- An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us #must
- Fearfully and Wonderfully: The Marvel of Bearing God’s Image #must
- Adventures in Volcanoland: What Volcanoes Tell Us About the World and Ourselves
- Across the Bridge: Understanding the Origin of the Vertebrates #must
- Brains Through Time: A Natural History of Vertebrates
- The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution
- Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA
- Stuart Firestein
- Failure: Why Science Is So Successful
- Ignorance: How It Drives Science
- The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature #must
- Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind
- What Makes Biology Unique?: Considerations on the Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline
- Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human #must
- Randall Munroe
- What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions #must
- What If? 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
- How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems
- Tamed: Ten Species that Changed our World
- Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past #must
- Different: Gender Through the Eyes of a Primatologist #must
- Nano: The Spectacular Science of the Very (Very) Small #children
- The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark #vision #must
- The Smallest Lights in the Universe: A Memoir
- Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks (Ben Goldacre) #must
- What Is This Thing Called Science? (Alan F. Chalmers) #philosophy #must
- Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction (Samir Okasha) #philosophy
- Anaximander: And the Birth of Science (Carlo Rovelli) #history
- The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear (Seth Mnookin) #disinformation
- How Nature Works: The Science of Self-organized Criticality (Per Bak)
# Biology
- Rumbles: A Curious History of the Gut
- The Immune Mind: The new science of health (Monty Lyman)
- Eve: The Disobedient Future of Birth #future #technology
- Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History (Stephen Jay Gould) #essay
- She Has Her Mother’s Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity (Carl Zimmer) #must
# Children’s Book
- Lucy Hawking & Stephen Hawking
- George’s Secret Key to the Universe
- Unlocking the Universe
# Cosmology
- Stephen Hawking
- Brief Answers to the Big Questions #must
- The Universe in a Nutshell #must
- The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe
- A Brief History of Time
- Under Alien Skies: A Sightseer’s Guide to the Universe #astronomy
# Logic
- Philosophical and Mathematical Logic (Harrie de Swart)
# Neuroscience
- Seeing the Mind: Spectacular Images from Neuroscience, and What They Reveal about Our Neuronal Selves #must
- Pain: The Science of Suffering (Patrick Wall) #must
# Physics
- Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics #quantum #philosophy
- Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos #must
- Carlo Rovelli
- Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
- The Order of Time
- The Beauty of Falling: A Life in Pursuit of Gravity #life #memoir #must
# Quantum
- Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction (John Polkinghorne)
- Essential Mathematics for Quantum Computing: A beginner’s guide to just the math you need without needless complexities (Leonard S Woody III) #math
- Introduction to Classical and Quantum Computing (Dr Thomas G Wong) #math #must
- Carlo Rovelli
- Helgoland: Making Sense of the Quantum Revolution
- Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity
- Quanta and Fields: The Biggest Ideas in the Universe (Sean M. Carroll) #must
- Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum (Lee Smolin)
# Unity
- Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (Edward O.Willson) #must
# Security
- Scam Me If You Can: Simple Strategies to Outsmart Today’s Rip-off Artists
# Self-help
- Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything
- Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthrough Program to End Negative Behavior and Feel Great Again #psychology
- If You Live To 100, You Might As Well Be Happy #philosophy
- The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work (Shawn Achor) #trading #must
- Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts and Create Lasting Change (Nicole Vignola) #must
- 50堂最療癒人心的說話練習:在溝通中肯定自己,觸動他人 (曾寶儀) #communication
- Tribe Of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (Tim Ferriss) #must #collection
- The Way of the SEAL: Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed (Mark Divine, Allyson E. Machate)
- The Way to Will Power (Henry Hazlitt)
- The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles (Steven Pressfield)
# Sexuality
- Testo Junkie: Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic Era #memoir #philosophy #gender
- 女性的世界史:理解性別意識與歷史變遷,開啟性別史的新視野 #history
- 幽黯國度:障礙者的愛與性
- 直到夜色溫柔 (簡莉穎, 廢廢子) #comics
- Love in the Big City (Sang Young Park) #queer #novel #fiction #translation
- 紅線:我的性紀錄 (洪承喜 홍칼리) #translation #life #female #feminism #must
- 房思琪的初戀樂園 #must
- She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement #sociology #journalism #must
- The T Guide: Our Trans Experiences and a Celebration of Gender Expression—Man, Woman, Nonbinary, and Beyond #transgender
- The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Passion and Fulfillment (Jack Morin) #psychology #self-help #must
# Sex
- Beyond Satisfied: A Sex Hacker’s Guide to Endless Orgasms, Mind-Blowing Connection, and Lasting Confidence
- Learn to Orgasm in 4 Acts (Betty Dodson)
- Ian Kerner
- She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman #oral-sex #must
- So Tell Me About the Last Time You Had Sex: Laying Bare and Learning to Repair Our Love Lives
- Passionista: The Empowered Woman’s Guide to Pleasuring a Man
# Sociology
- The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
- Athena Unbound: Why and How Scholarly Knowledge Should Be Free for All #must #copyright
- The Copyright Wars: Three Centuries of Trans-Atlantic Battle #must #copyright
- Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age #must #copyright
- 茶室女人心:萬華紅燈區的故事 #sex
- The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas #must
- Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields: Memoirs by Survivors #must
- Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace - One School at a Time
- Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States
- War and Punishment: Putin, Zelensky, and the Path to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
- The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir
- The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism
- Suicide in Schools: A Practitioner’s Guide to Multi-level Prevention, Assessment, Intervention, and Postvention
- My Life: Growing Up Asian in America
- Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance #must #bumingbai
- The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left, With a New Preface #bumingbai
- Journalism: Why It Matters (Michael Schudson) #bumingbai
- Development as Freedom #must #bumingbai
- The New Odyssey: The Story of Europe’s Refugee Crisis
- Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race #must
- Plagues and the Paradox of Progress: Why the World Is Getting Healthier in Worrisome Ways #bumingbai
- The Power of Crisis #bumingbai #must
- Guns, Germs, And Steel: The Fates of Human Societies #bumingbai #must
- The Wealth of Nations #bumingbai #must
- The Shadow Commander: Soleimani, the U.S., and Iran s Global Ambitions
- 洗腦的歷史:禍害世界的極端思想控制術大解析 #must
- The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality #must
- On Palestine (Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappé) #must
- White Torture: Interviews with Iranian Women Prisoners #must
- Economy and Society (Max Weber)
- Humankind: A Hopeful History #must
- Automating Inequality: How High-tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor #must
- How Doctors Think (Jerome Groopman)
- Battle for the Bird: Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, and the $44 Billion Fight for Twitter’s Soul
- War in 140 Characters: How Social Media Is Reshaping Conflict in the Twenty-First Century
- It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism #must
- Women on Porn: One hundred stories. One vital conversation #must
- The Different Drum: Community-making and peace #must
- The New Odyssey (Patrick Kingsley)
- Innocents Lost: When Child Soldiers Go To War
- The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York #history
- Emotional Justice: A Roadmap for Racial Healing #must
- Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism
- A Necessary Kindness: Stories From the Frontline of Abortion Care
- 思辨是我們的義務:那些瑞典老師教我的事
- We’ve Got This: Stories by Disabled Parents #must
- All That Moves Us: A Pediatric Neurosurgeon, His Young Patients, and Their Stories of Grace and Resilience
- No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us #must
- Home, Land, Security: Deradicalization and the Journey Back from Extremism
- A Death in Malta: An assassination and a family’s quest for justice
- How to Win the War on Truth: An Illustrated Guide to How Mistruths Are Sold, Why They Stick, and How to Reclaim Reality
- Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art
- Our House Is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis #must
- Seed Money: Monsanto’s Past and Our Food Future #must
- Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution
- Everyday Utopia: What 2,000 Years of Wild Experiments Can Teach Us About the Good Life
- Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor
- Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do #must
- Being Arab (Samir Kassir) #Islamic #history
- Illegality, Inc.: Clandestine Migration and the Business of Bordering Europe
- Sex and Lies: True Stories of Women’s Intimate Lives in the Arab World (Leïla Slimani) #must
- The Dictator’s Learning Curve: Inside the Global Battle for Democracy #democracy
- Multiculturalism: A Very Short Introduction
- 受苦的倒影:一個苦難工作者的田野備忘錄
- Very Important People: Status and Beauty in the Global Party Circuit #female
- Is Democracy Failing? (The Big Idea Series) #democracy #must
- Spite: The Upside of Your Dark Side #psychology
- Black Skin, White Masks (Frantz Fanon) #racism
- Speak Not: Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language #indigenous #history #language
- The Souls of Black Folk #philosophy
- Imagination: A Manifesto #must #future
- The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time (Karl Polanyi, Penguin Modern Classics) #fascism #classics #must
- Minority Leader: How to Lead from the Outside and Make Real Change (Stacey Abrams) #human-rights #racism #discrimination #must
- A Brief History of Equality (Thomas Piketty) #history
- Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering (Malcolm Gladwell)
- Outraged: Why We Fight About Morality and Politics and How to Find Common Ground (Kurt Gray) #morality #must
- Rat City: Overcrowding and Urban Derangement in the Rodent Universes of John B. Calhoun (Jon Adams, Edmund Ramsden)
- Everything to Play For: An Insider’s Guide to How Videogames are Changing Our World (Marijam Did) #game
- The Science of Racism: Everything You Need to Know but Probably Don’t—Yet (Keon West)
# Spirituality
- Not Quite Nirvana: A Skeptic’s Journey to Mindfulness #must #memoir
- Solid Ground: Buddhist Wisdom for Difficult Times
- Ten Breaths to Happiness: Touching Life in its Fullness
- A Fierce Heart: Finding Strength, Courage, and Wisdom in Any Moment
- The Seven Storey Mountain (Thomas Merton) #must
- Nothing To It: Ten Ways to Be at Home with Yourself (Brother Phap Hai)
- David R. Hawkins
- Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior #must
# Buddhism
- Tell Me Something about Buddhism: Questions and Answers for the Curious Beginner #must #Buddhism #Zen
- Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction #must
- The River in Me: Verses of Transformation (Sister Dang Nghiem) #Zen #poetry
- Solid Ground: Buddhist Wisdom for Difficult Times (Sylvia Boorstein, Norman Fisher)
- D. T. Suzuki
- An Introduction to Zen Buddhism
- Zen and Japanese Culture #must
- The Zen Doctrine of No Mind
- Seeing Clearly: A Buddhist Guide to Life (Guides to the Good Life) (Nicolas Bommarito)
# Hindu
- The Upanishads: Breath from the Eternal (Swami Prabhavanada (Translator), Frederick Manchester (Translator)) #must
- Ramakrishna
- The Life of Ramakrishna (Romain Rolland)
- The Gospel of Ramakrishna (Swami Abhedananda)
# Mystic
- Sadhguru #meditation #yoga
- Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy
- Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Your Destiny
- Death An Inside Story: A book for all those who shall die
- Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga
# Strategy
# Game Theory
- The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist’s Guide to Success in Business and Life (Avinash K. Dixit, Barry J. Nalebuff) #must
- A Beautiful Mind: The Life of Mathematical Genius and Novel Laureate John Nash (Sylvia Nasar) #biology #must
- Games of Strategy (Avinash K. Dixit, Susan Skeath, David H. Reiley Jr.) #examples
- Prisoner’s Dilemma: John von Neumann, Game Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb (William Poundstone) #biography
- Playing with Reality: How Games Have Shaped Our World (Kelly Clancy) #must
# Teaching
- Reading Lessons: The books we read at school, the conversations they spark and why they matter #must
# Technology
- The Network State: How To Start a New Country #bumingbai
- Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids-and How to Break the Trance #must
- The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
- Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism
- Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
- Burn Book: A Tech Love Story #must
- The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley (Marietje Schaake) #democracy
# Computer
- Curious Video Game Machines: A Compendium of Rare and Unusual Consoles, Computers and Coin-Ops (Lewis Packwood) #game
# Future
- Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything #quantum
- The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI (Ray Kurzweil) #must
# Human
- Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
- Re-Engineering Humanity
# IT
- Proof of Stake: The Making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchains
- The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century’s Greatest Dilemma #must
# Negotiation
- Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It (Chris Voss)
- Bargaining with the Devil: When to Negotiate, When to Fight
- Start with No: The Negotiating Tools That the Pros Don’t Want You to Know
- You Can Negotiate Anything: The World’s Best Negotiator Tells You How To Get What You Want
- How to Become a Rainmaker: The Rules for Getting and Keeping Customers and Clients
- Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond
# Robot
- Imagination: A Manifesto #future
# Strategy
- Strategy: The Indirect Approach #war #military #must
# Thinker
# Albert Einstein
- The World As I see It #bumingbai
# Anne Applebaum
- Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World #must
- Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism #must
- Gulag: A History
- Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine
- Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956
- Between East and West: Across the Borderlands of Europe
# Bruce Lee
- Bruce Lee Library ( #must
# Buckminster Fuller
- Inventor of the Future: The Visionary Life of Buckminster Fuller (Alec Nevala-Lee) #must
- A Fuller View: Buckminster Fuller’s Vision of Hope and Abundance for All (L. Steven Sieden)
# E. B. White
- One Man’s Meat
# Frank Dikotter
- The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945-57 #bumingbai #must
- Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-1962 #bumingbai #must
- The Cultural Revolution: A People’s History, 1962–1976 #must
- China After Mao: The Rise of a Superpower
# Frans de Waal
- Different: Gender Through the Eyes of a Primatologist #gender #must
- Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?
- Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves
- The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates
# Friedrich Hayek
- Law, Legislation and Liberty #must #bumingbai
- The Road to Serfdom #bumingbai #must
- Hayek: A Life, 1899–1950 #must
- The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism
- Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
- Hayek on Hayek: An Autobiographical Dialogue
# George Orwell
- Politics and the English Language
- 1984 #must
- Homage to Catalonia #must
# James Baldwin
- The Fire Next Time
- Going to Meet the Man: Stories
- I Am Not Your Negro (James Baldwin, Raoul Peck)
- The Amen Corner: A Play
- Blues for Mister Charlie: A Play
- One Day When I Was Lost: A Scenario Based on Alex Haley’s The Autobiography of Malcolm X #screenplay
# Joseph Campbell
- The Power of Myth #must
- The Hero with a Thousand Faces #must
- The Hero’s Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work #must
- Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine
# Hannah Arendt
- The Origins of Totalitarianism #bumingbai #must
- Responsibility and Judgment #philosophy
- The Promise of Politics
# Karl Jaspers
- The Question of German Guilt #must
- Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus : the paradigmatic individuals #must
- Way to Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy
# Martin Luther King Jr.
- The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Clayborne Carson) #people
- Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations
# Mahatma Gandhi
- Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth #people #must
- Gandhi: A Very Short Introduction #must
# Michael Pollan
- How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence #psychology
- The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals #foodthink #must
- In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto #foodthink #must
- Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation #foodthink #must
# Steven Pinker
- The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined #bumingbai #must
- Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress #must
- Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
- How the Mind Works
- The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
- The Language Instinct: How The Mind Creates Language
- Words and Rules: The Ingredients Of Language
# Svetlana Alexievich
- Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster
- Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets #must #bumingbai
- War’s Unwomanly Face
- Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War
- Last Witnesses: An Oral History of the Children of World War II
- The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in World War II #must
# Timothy Snyder
- On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century #must
- Our Malady #must
- Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning
- Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
- The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America #must
- Thinking the Twentieth Century #must
- Stalin and Europe: Imitation and Domination, 1928-1953
- The Reconstruction Of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999
- Sketches from a Secret War: A Polish Artist’S Mission To Liberate Soviet Ukraine
- The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke
- Nationalism, Marxism, and Modern Central Europe: A Biography of Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz, 1872-1905
- The Wall Around the West: State Borders and Immigration Controls in North America and Europe
# Thich Nhat Hanh
- No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering #must #mindfulness
- Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices
- Love Letter to the Earth
- The Mindfulness Survival Kit: Five Essential Practices
- Present Moment Wonderful Moment: Mindfulness Verses for Daily Living #must #Buddhism #practice
- Understanding Our Mind: 50 Verses on Buddhist Psychology #must
- Call Me By My True Names: The Collected Poems of Thich Nhat Hanh #must
- Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire: A Buddhist Proposal for Peace #history
- Stepping into Freedom: An Introduction to Buddhist Monastic Training #must #practice
- At Home in the World: Stories and Essential Teachings from a Monk’s Life #must
- Old Path White Clouds: Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha #Buddhism #must
- Love in Action: Writings on Nonviolent Social Change (Second Edition)
- Answers from the Heart
- Being Peace
- Awakening of the Heart: Essential Buddhist Sutras and Commentaries #must
# Toni Morrison
- Sula
- The Bluest Eye
- Toni Morrison: The Last Interview and Other Conversations
- Song of Solomon
- The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations
# Tony Judt
- Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 #must
- The Memory Chalet #must
- When the Facts Change: Essays, 1995-2010 #must
- The Burden of Responsibility: Blum, Camus, Aron, and the French Twentieth Century
# Yuval Noah Harari
- Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI
- Unstoppable Us (Volume 1, 2)
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
- Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
# 劉曉波
- 末日倖存者的獨白: 關於我和「六・四」
- 刘晓波纪念文集
- The Journey of Liu Xiaobo: From Dark Horse to Nobel Laureate
- 混世魔王毛澤東
- 統一就是奴役:劉曉波論臺灣、香港及西藏
- 大國沈淪-寫給中國的備忘錄
- 鐵窗後的自由
- 從六四到零八:劉曉波的人權路
- I Have No Enemies: The Life and Legacy of Liu Xiaobo (Perry Link, Dazhi Wu) #biography
- Liu Xiaobo’s Empty Chair: Chronicling the Reform Movement Beijing Fears Most (Perry Link)
# 席慕蓉
- 英雄時代 #must #poetry
- 寫給海日汗的21封信 #must
# 許成鋼
- Institutional Genes: The Origins of China’s Institutions and Totalitarianism #history #economy #communism #sociology #must
- 制度基因:中国制度与极权主义制度的起源
# 野夫
- 國鎮 #must
- 江上的母亲
- 父亲的战争
- 大地呻吟 #must
- 故交半零落
# Travel
- Ocean of Insight: A Sailor’s Voyage from Despair to Hope
# Writing
- On Connection (Kae Tempest) #creativity #meditation
# Work
- The Idealist’s Survival Kit: 75 Simple Ways to Avoid Burnout #social-work
- Inclusion on Purpose: An Intersectional Approach to Creating a Culture of Belonging at Work #must
- Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do #must
- Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don’t Talk about It) #politics #must
- Follow Your Dreams: 100 Inspiring And Extraordinary Jobs #must
# Writers
# Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- The Gulag Archipelago #must
- In the First Circle #novel #fiction
# Alice Walker
- The Color Purple: A Novel #fiction #must
- In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: Womanist Prose #essay #feminism
# August Wilson
- Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom: A Play
- The Piano Lesson
- Seven Guitars
- Fences #must
# Bertrand Russell
- The History of Western Philosophy
# Claire Keegan
- Small Things Like These #must
- Foster
- The Forester’s Daughter
# Dalai Lama
- The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality #must
# Edward O. Wilson
- Tales from the Ant World #must
- Letters to a Young Scientist
- The Origins of Creativity
- Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life
# Gabriel García Márquez
- Cien años de soledad
- The General in His Labyrinth
- News of a Kidnapping
- Gabriel García Márquez: The Last Interview and Other Conversations
# James Joyce
- Dubliners #must
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
# Janos Kornai
- By Force of Thought: Irregular Memoirs of an Intellectual Journey #biography
- The Socialist System
- Dynamism, Rivalry, and the Surplus Economy: Two Essays on the Nature of Capitalism
# Kazuo Ishiguro
- The Remains of the Day #fiction
# Margaret Atwood
- The Handmaid’s Tale #fiction #novel #dystopian #feminism
# Milan Kundera
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being: A Novel
# Miranda July
- The First Bad Man: A Novel #fiction #must
- It Chooses You
- No One Belongs Here More Than You: Stories #must #short-stories
- All Fours: A Novel #fiction #must
# Masha Gessen
- The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia #history #must
- The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin #must
- Surviving Autocracy
# Mortimer J. Adler
- How to Read a Book #must #self-help
- Aristotle for Everybody #philosophy
- How to Think About the Great Ideas: From the Great Books of Western Civilization
# Octavia E. Butler
- Bloodchild and Other Stories #sci-fi #short-stories
- Octavia E. Butler: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations
# Plutarch
- Oxford World’s Classics
- Greek Lives
- Hellenistic Lives
- Roman Lives
# Ray Dalio
- Principles: Life and Work #must
- Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail #must #economy #monetary
- Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises #economy
# Stacey Abrams
- Rogue Justice: A Thriller #politics
# Richard Dawkins
- The Genetic Book of the Dead: A Darwinian Reverie #must
- The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True
# Richard Pipes
- Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime #must
- A Concise History of the Russian Revolution
- Communism: A History
- Property and Freedom
# Stephen King
- Night Shift #must
# Thomas Mann
- Death in Venice
- Buddenbrooks
- Tonio Kröger
# Timothy Garton Ash
- Homelands: A Personal History of Europe
- The Polish Revolution: Solidarity #must #history #Poland
# Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty
- Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit
- Dreams, Illusion, and Other Realities
- The Hindus: An Alternative History
- The Ring of Truth: And Other Myths of Sex and Jewelry
# 高行健
- 靈山 #novel #must
- 一個人的聖經 #novel
# 余英時
- 余英時回憶錄 #must
- 余英時談話錄
- 余英時評政治現實 #dasheng #must
# 王力雄
- 黄祸 #bumingbai
- 转世 #bumingbai
- 天葬——西藏的命运 #must
- 我的西域,你的東土
- 遞進民主
- 天葬 #novel
# Lists
-香港遭審查下架書刊 #China
- 編程隨想書單:
- 食学共读: (食学社读书会往期书单)
- trading:
- Reading List for Joseph Campbell’s Mythology Class at Sarah Lawrence College:
- Ethan Maurice’s bookshelf:
# Awards
- List of awards in Chinese:
- Hughes Prize:
- Ukraine:
- BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year (Ukrainian language)
# Princeton Pre-read
- 2013 — “The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen” by Kwame Anthony Appiah
- 2014 — “Meaning in Life and Why It Matters” by Susan Wolf
- 2015 — “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do” by Claude Steele
- 2016 — “Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality” by Danielle Allen
- 2017 — “What Is Populism?” by Jan-Werner Müller
- 2018 — “Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech” by Keith Whittington
- 2019 — “Stand Out of Our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy” by James Williams
- 2020 — “This America” by Jill Lepore
- 2021 — “Moving Up Without Losing Your Way” by Jennifer Morton
- 2022 — “Every Day the River Changes” by Jordan Salama
- 2023 — How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for our Future
- 2024 — The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI #must
# Series
Why It Matters (
向下扎根!德國最受歡迎的思辨讀本系列 1~7
Penguin Great Ideas:
The Last Interview:
Very Short Introductions (OUP):
Harvard Library of Ukrainian Literature:
European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism
- The University Center for Human Values Series
Guides to the Good Life:
Mindfulness Essentials - How To
- How to Sit #must
- How to Eat
- How to Love #must
- How to Walk #must
- How to Relax
- How to Fight
- How to See
- How to Connect
- How to Focus
HBR’s 10 Must Reads
- on Lifelong Learning
- on Managing Yourself
# Magazines
- 中国民主季刊 #China
- 小鸟文学
- Wired
- The Wired World In 2025
# Tags
- #must: personal must read
- #China-geopolitics: geopolitics around China, including:
- inside: Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong
- border: Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Vietnam
- sea border: Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam
- #censor : might be a result under censorship
- series: #Ukrainian-Voices